The information contained in this website is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment, and TICR recommends consultation with your doctor or other health care professional if you have worries about your cardiovascular health.

The Institute of Cardiovascular Research (TICR)


Since TICR launched in 2002….

Deaths from heart disease, once half of all deaths, have fallen below those from cancers.

In 2016 the Scottish cardiovascular death count (heart and circulatory disease) was 15,131, for cancer 16,245, dementia 5571.

Life expectancy has increased.

A relative success….

But 27% of deaths, and 22% below age 75 are from cardiovascular disease, with an estimated 685 000 living sufferers in Scotland – worse than the UK as a whole. Within Scotland, Dundee City is fifth in the league of premature deaths.

Heart disease affects all ages and both sexes.  More middle-aged men are affected, but lifetime risk for women is similar to men. Coronary disease kills 2.7 times as many Scotswomen as breast cancer overall, and 1.4 times below age 75.


In 2007 TICR researchers launched the ASSIGN cardiovascular risk score, now the Scottish national standard for identifying and targeting adults at high risk.

Some years ago TICR researchers found 20% of Tayside children showed signs suggesting early cardiovascular disease, this has prompted much successful work on prevention and lifestyle change.

Heart Failure management has been revolutionised by TICR work, as has arrhythmia treatment (irregular heart beat) and the management of risk of heart attack and stroke in patients with disease in the arteries of the leg.

With your help TICR continues the fight…. 

The TICR campaign funds The Institute for Cardiovascular Research:

-bringing together researchers studying causation and mechanisms, diet and lifestyle, prediction and prevention, better early diagnosis and treatment.

-aiming to prevent, postpone, or improve the treatment, of angina, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, heart rhythm irregularities, arterial leg pain, amputation, and cardiovascular death.

National statistics obtained from British Heart Foundation factsheets and spreadsheets