Graeme Boyle


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Refreshed and Repurposed and definitely not retired !

Pursuing new ventures in tourism, sport, heritage, community engagement and healthcare. Currently a Flâneur and Guide with Walk Talk Tours ( , volunteer with the Friends of Glasgow Royal Infirmary Museum, trustee of South Glasgow Heritage & Environment Trust, Board Member of Mount Florida Community Council and have just become a Community Facilitator with St Andrew’s First Aid.

Still true that I’m a qualified biochemist with industrial experience. My expertise lies in technology marketing and corporate and team development, to which I bring a unique perspective, having held senior posts in multinational enterprises (Siemens, TÜV Süddeutschland) and in government (Scottish Enterprise, UK DTI) and the NHS.

Along the way I have been co-founder of the European Diagnostics Cluster Alliance (EDCA), a Board member of the Council of the European Bio-Regions (CEBR) and InnoScot Health, on the UK All Party Parliamentary Group for Life Sciences, Chair of the Tayside Institute of Cardiovascular Research Charity (TICR) and was on the Advisory Board of the Glasgow Science Centre Bodyworks group.